Classical Guitar, Rock Guitar,
Blues Guitar, Bottleneck Guitar, Jazz Guitar,
Acoustic Guitar, Music Theory.
Professional guitar tuition with the expertise of 37 years teaching a wide range of styles.
Currently 32 years teaching guitar at King Edward VII School.
Beginners to advanced. Juniors to adults and seniors
Centrally located in Hunters Bar.
Convenient parking.
Close to Ecclesall Road/Hunters Bar and S10, S11, S17 and S7 bus routes.
Convenient drop-off and collection directly outside.
Lessons available until 9 PM.
Parents welcome to sit-in.
Online lessons available on most platforms - Google, FaceTime, Zoom etc.
It's November again so here's another beautiful piece by Leo Brouwer. 'A Day in November'
Still miss this creative genius.
So sad....
Andrey, practising for his grade 5 exam in Classical Guitar
CROSS ROAD BLUES by Robert Johnson.
The intro....
My rendition of the full version of Keith Richards' beautiful acoustic guitar playing on 'Angie'.
The Rolling Stones.
The acoustic guitar intro.
Summer lessons available as normal.
The school break is a good time to catch-up on some practising time.
Released 49 years ago this week.
The only words I can use to express what I'm feeling about that are;
'Time, he's waiting in the wings
He speaks of senseless things
His trick is you and me, boy.....
Andrey in his classical guitar lesson.
It's arrived!
Yamaha THR 30watts MkII.
Sounds fantastic.
Like a Fender valve amp.
It can be wireless or cable.
Stereo line out to a P.A.
Amazing sound from a desktop amp.
It can also be a bluetooth speaker.
C/o GuitarGuitar in Glasgow.
Excellent delivery service.
Covid protection screens.
The minimalist Christmas tree.
Donated by a girlfriend in 2007.
Goes up every year.
It has Robins and everything....😂
Although a few have flown away.
When I was a bit younger....
A trip to the Toll Bar chippy in Stoney Middleton in my 16 ½ year-old Mini.
He's called Boris.
Best chip shop in the worldddd....
I went digital.
A new Positive Grid Spark amp c/o GuitarGuitar on a new little shelf. Saved loads of space.
For my small studio it's perfect (40watts) and has so many downloadable sounds. Plus jam tacks and it generates a drum and bass accompaniment to home made live 'loops' via the app.
Not tried that yet but will be great for teaching .
The guitar-teaching studio .
Last lesson of 2020 and another sanitising session.
Now to change a lot of strings over Christmas!
Covid protection screens in place. Ventilation and sanitising after each lesson. Online lessons via Skype FaceTime zoom etc
New ebony fretboard neck for the Telecaster.
Well equipped and comfortable teaching studio.
Transparent screens for Covid protection.
Here, Anna is in her own bubble in a lesson.
All surfaces etc sanitised between lessons.
No shared instruments plectrums, cables, writing materials or pens etc are allowed.
So bring your own!
This is sacrilege but at the risk of death threats here goes.... it's supposed to be humorous😬
People often ask to learn play this one.
Just made this video on the Mac- I tried to emulate the original Pink Floyd track where the first section is heard as if down the telephone and opens out into full sound for the guitar solo.
A contemplative piece by Leo Brouwer.
Una Dia De Noviembre
A contemplative piece by Leo Brouwer
A contemplative piece by Leo Brouwer.
I often get requests from people to learn to play this intro from Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd).
Beautiful piece by Leo Brouwer.
I cartoonised it and added some delay and reverb using the Mac
Low Brouwer
Cartoonised with some added reverb on the Mac.
Busy day ahead.
6 hours teaching and a gig later! Except it's been cancelled. I suppose we could limit the audience to six.....
Transparent screens for Covid aerosol protection during face-to-face teaching.
Great Boss GT-100
To replace the old ME-5.
Built-in amp-modelling.
Sellotape dispenser.
Fed-up cutting my fingers with scissors!
Back to normal after lockdown.
Using transparent screens dividing the teaching studio to stop direct transmission of aerosols
My latest purchase of a geetar effects processor.
This is a patch I made called 'Jim Mullen's Telecaster'.
Audio demo to follow.
An old bloke pretending to ride a bike
An old bloke pretending to ride a bike.
An old bloke pretending to be able to ski
A quick lesson on creating a walking bass through a 12 bar blues sequence with a I vi ii V turnaround at the beginning.
At last I found a use for the guitar capo!
It clamps the two transparent screens together.😬👀🎸🎼
Two transparent screens now bisect the teaching studio for COVID-19 safety.
Chairs etc will be sanitised between live lessons alternating with Internet lessons and hand sanitiser is available on entering and leaving the building.
Live lessons start again tomorrow after several months of only Internet teaching.
It will be a great pleasure to welcome people again.
Live teaching is infinitely superior to video teaching. Stay safe, stay cautious!
Two of these transparent screens form a barrier which stops direct person to person transmission of viruses.
Transparent screen room divider for when lockdown eases for music teachers.
Transparent screen for protection when lockdown eases for music teaching.
Felicidade by A.Jobim arr. Roland Dyens.
Anna plays the blues- just after her eighth birthday!
Anna was just eight yrs old a few days before she did this. She reads proper music notation.
Felicidade by Jobim.
Arr. Dyens.
ALEX practising for his GCSE performance exam.
Chic Corea's 'Spain'
Louis plays a Scott Joplin Ragtime duet for his GCSE ensemble exam.
Felicidade -
Antonio Carlos Jobim.
arr. Dyens
Prelude #5 Heitor Villa-Lobos
In fluorescent pink and yellow.
A quick lesson on how to create a walking -bass and chords at the same time.
Ben is taking some advice in his lesson in preparation for his grade 8 Classical Guitar Exam
Anna was just nine years old here.
In her lesson she is demonstrating how she linked 'Wish You Were Here' with AC/DC's 'Back in Black'
At nine years old she worked it out completely for herself.
That's because she already reads proper music notation and understands chord sequences quite well.
On the video I wrote that she's 10 -which she told me off about recently - in fact she was only nine when she did this! new page 'iconic guitar riffs'
Two very young and very creative guitar students drew this for me in their lesson whilst one was waiting for the other.
Got this brilliant app for iPhone and iPad. It’s a digital version of the original D 5 Moog synthesiser with four note polyphony.
Creates marvellous sounds!
Apparently it links up to Garage Band but I haven’t tried that yet........
FOR SALE £200.
Contact via message.
Drooolll...... so want one.
CONRAD in his guitar lesson.
Re-built website almost done. Adding some videos of guitar students playing shortly. #guitarlessons #guitartechniques #sheffieldissuper #sheffield #lodgemoor #ecclesallroad #ecclesallroadsheffield #ecclesallroadsouth #forgedamcafe #highstorrs #broomhill #crosspoolfestival #sharrowvale #sharrowvalemarket #endcliffepark
WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR PLECTRUM TECHNIQUE? #guitartechnique #guitartechniquesmagazine #highstorrs #highstorrscreative #madebyjonty #lodgemoor #crosspool #fulwoodsheffield #sheffieldhallam #guitarlessons #guitarlessonssheffield #rockguitar #bluesrockguitar #musiceducation #richtonemusic #guitarshack #ranmoor #taptonschool #kingedwardviischool #cafe9 #ecclesallroad #ecclesallwoods #huntersbar #sebastianskitchen #silverdaleschool
And this from Google!
Thank@you peeps! #guitarlessonsforkids #guitarlessonssheffield #guitartechniques #broomhill #lodgemoor #fulwoodsheffield #crookesvalleypark #highstorrs #sheffield #sheffieldissuper #sheffieldbotanicalgardens #sheffieldissuperinsta #sheffieldmusic
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